iPhone 4S Shot of the Week: Brewed Coffee


iPhone 4S shot of glass coffee pots using the HDR (High Dynamic Range) camera feature and Auto-Enhance photo editing tool.
iPhone 4S shot using the HDR (High Dynamic Range) camera feature and the Auto-Enhance photo editing tool.

What's your favorite coffee? This week's featured iPhone 4S shot is a couple of glass coffee pots. You can see my reflection on the glass surface of both pots. The photo was captured with the iPhone 4S HDR (High Dynamic Range) camera feature enabled and the resulting photo was applied with the Auto-Enhance photo editing tool. Both of these are built-in features of the iPhone 4S and they bring camera-phone photography to a whole a new level. The camera improvements in the iPhone 4S along with the built-in photo editing tools are two of its huge selling points. The iPhone 4S camera is probably the most powerful camera-in-a-phone in the market today.

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