How to Add Birthdays in the iPhone 4S Calendar


If you want to add someone's birthday in your iPhone 4S Calendar, you will need to add a Birthday field to that contact in your Contacts app. The iPhone 4S Mail, Contacts, and Calendar apps are integrated so specifying a birthday to a contact would result to a birthday event being automatically created in your Calendar without you having to create (or reenter) it manually. Birthday events will be treated as all-day appointments. Like ordinary appointments, you will get a notification or alert for birthday events as well. Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to add a birthday field to a contact, and consequently a birthday event to the iPhone 4S Calendar.

Step 1. Go to Contacts. Open the contact that you want to a add a birthday field to. Select Edit.

Screen shot of a contact's Info panel in iPhone 4S.
The Edit button for a contact's info in iPhone 4S can be found on the upper right corner of the Info panel.

Step 2. Browse all the way down to the bottom of the contact's Info, and select add field.

Screen shot of add field option in a contact's info in iPhone 4S.
The "add field" option for a contact's info lets you add details like Nickname, Job Title, and Birthday.

Step 3. From the Add Field list, select Birthday and specify the contact's birth date. After that, select Done.

Screen shot of add birthday field option for a contact's info in iPhone 4S.
You can specify a contact's birthday by rolling through the month-date-year  selector in the add Birthday field.

Step 4. The contact's birthday should appear in Info along with the contact other details (mobile, email, etc.).

Screen shot of contact's Info panel in iPhone 4S with a birthday field.
A specified birthday will appear along with the contact's other details in Info.

Step 5. Go to Calendar, and confirm that a birthday event has been created for that contact.

Birthday event in iPhone 4S Calendar.
To view a birthday event in Calendar, simply select the date and it should be listed at the bottom  along with other available appointments for the selected day.

Step 6. Make sure that the Birthdays is always enabled in Calendars so that birthday events will appear. To check, select the Calendars button on the upper left corner of the Calendars panel. Browse all the way to the bottom and make sure there is tick mark next to Birthdays.

How to enable the iPhone 4S Birthdays Calendar.
Enable Birthdays in Calendar to make sure that birthday events and alerts will be enabled in the iPhone 4S Calendars app.

That's it. You have just successfully added birthday events in the iPhone 4S Calendar by specifying birthday fields in Contacts. If you want to add a birthday event for a person that is not in your contacts list, you can just add the birthday as a normal event or appointment in your Calendar. Just tap on the "+" (plus or add) sign on the upper right corner of the Calendars panel and specify Someone's Birthday in Title and the Starts and Ends time. Or, you can easily just use the Reminders app. For both cases, you can also ask Siri to do the job for you. The same steps apply for adding birthday events in other iOS devices namely iPad, and iPod touch.

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