Siri's Humor of the Week: Do you believe in love?


Siri's funny answers to questions about love.
Siri gives funny answers to random questions.

Apparently, Siri isn't much of a philosopher, or debater. She's just a humble assistant with some sense of humor. I asked Siri, "do you believe in love?" and she goes she's "not really prepared to discuss concepts like 'love' and 'belief.'" That's like hitting two birds with one stone for me. Then I go ahead and said, "I love you." and she goes "I hope you don't say that to those other mobile phones." But I didn't say I love you iPhone 4S. I was talking to her. Siri is not iPhone 4S, is it? Siri is the virtual assistant. iPhone 4S is the phone. Two different things. Blurred roles. Haha

More of Siri's humor in snap shots next week.

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